The Self Defense a Pro Fighter Chose


Saving lives since 1994

Self Defense Ready for 2025

Do You Want Self Defense skills?


Why Don’t You Invest in Yourself?

Self Defense/Self Protection that’s proven


no more DVDs  


Here’s a reality: you don’t have to be a professional fighter like me

to defend yourself or your family

In fact, the MMA gyms, boxing, and kickboxing gyms sure would like to have you come every day and pay for repetitive training, but…
the reality is that they aren’t focused on self defense  They don’t have the objective that you need the most…
and you can feel it in your bones, some of you it keeps up at night…how do I protect my family, how do I protect myself?
Well the truth is that it doesn’t take years or months.
That’s right you don’t have to pretend o be a professional fighter  and spend 40 hours or more a week to become capable of saving your family and yourself.
In fact we have proven self defense only takes  a weekend to cover the most likely (not ring) attacks and confrontations.
That fact is why we have testimonials from around the World.
They all tell the same story: how effective we’ve  been in producing students that can protect themselves in physical confrontations.
 And that’s  over 27 years we’ve been empowering people to protect themselves..
We’ve even conducted special training for military and contractors long before 9/11.
Have you given up on defending yourself and your family?
Have you quit caring about your safety and your family’s?
We only want those who said NO. We can bring your skills and confidence up–we know it–in fact, we’ve done for thousands of others since 1995

Maximize Your Training Time, Save Money and Gain Real Safety

In a short period of time you can have fast and effective Self Defense RESULTS.

Just like our students….here’s some of their stories:

‘I served with the 7th Special Forces Group as a light weapons Sgt.

in the mid to late 70’s and then was with Army Delta at it’s conception.

I’ll just say that if you are really concerned about your safety and that of the people

you love and don’t want to be  a victim, then get this… and put it to use.

Take it from someone who knows

the real things when He sees it.

– Guy Falkinburg from Abilene, Texas USA


 “I’ve only been exposed to Christophe’s training a short time

(videos) and when my house  burned down and I caught

a looter twice my size stealing stuff,

it only took one move to put him down  until the cops arrived.

This is so simple and easy to learn.

It’s amazing!”
– Shel Schoonover, California

NO more fear.

Gain new confidence through powerful skills

 ”I do not care what you have tried,

because I have more than likely  tried it too and still never felt secure.

If you want something thacan make you feel safe

in front of a strongman  pumped full of steroids,

a UFC pro-fighter,

a gangbanger,

or a super-soldier that has lost his mind

there is absolutely nothing out there except what Christophe teaches

that can pull that off.”

–C. Doeling

Here’s where you can read more of our students’ sucess stories

My name is Christophe Clugston, former pro fighter

(75 fights on 3 Continents)

bouncer, bodyguard and Subject Matter Expert  to military and contractors.

Click Here to Know More About Me

My ability to give YOU Real RESULTS

has attracted people to travel great distances–across the planet for 27 years.

One Man’s Story

‘I traveled all the way to Thailand

to train with the legendary Christophe Clugston.

One amazing coach. Regards’, 

M. Jamal

Yes, you can get results without leaving your home.


Through very special teaching methods.

That you can find on my Self Defense DVDs. 

 Rest assured that you will get fast and effective results  just like thousands of others have in the last 27 years.


Click to see my list of Fast and Effective Self Defense DVDs

And if you’re facing personal struggles or were bullied

I share about my own journey from  being bullied

to becoming a Worldwide fighting expert as a motivation for your own success.


We maximize your training.

You can obtain Self Defense RESULTS

You can be part of something that’s been

Proven on 5 continents over 27 years

Proven in Cities & Jungles 

Proven in Ring &War 

Think about it,

for those already doing martial artists: 

How complete is your training?

Does your training include sticks, & knives,

and take place in snow, in mud,  or on concrete

with 2 people attacking you?

If not,  it’s not offering you true safety.

It’s not your fault, it’s  those corner martial arts places,

they can’t provide you real safety.


NO matter what they tell you, 

the ring, cage or mats

do not prepare you for  Real Violence.

We specialize in Providing safety to people just like you


More Details on Fast and Effective Self Defense  Go Here

For the Next Live in Person Training Click on this


Right now you have two options…

You can continue what you’re doing or take the responsibility to better your situation.

You can do this and you won’t be sorry.

Take action, you owe it to your family and yourself.

I’m going to teach you how to use technology to defend and protect your family and yourself.


NOTE throughout 2025

Inflation means that all PRICES must go up

 Buy now to get the savings



DVD Reference: All the DVDs can be found by CLICKING HERE