It’s 2025: streaming video ONLY–no more DVDs
Crucial Info:You must have a google account to see the videos–this is free you can find youtube videos on how to get one if you don’t have one now.
No more Supply Chain delays, no more customs and fees, no more lost in the post.
Learn how to be safe, anywhere.
Here’s our streaming video list
and it doesn’t matter if you call this life changing information
combatives, self defense, self protection, Fighting, Comhrac Bas or Combat JKD
–because our technology works… it saves you time, frustration and money.
NOTE this will be streaming video for all of the below. PS The stated shipping costs will now cover the inflation increases for the digital products.
You can learn more by clicking on “click here”
A. Combat JKD Comhrac Bas streaming video
1) Deep JKD of Mike Sanlin Combat JKD the hidden Bruce Lee technology CLICK HERE
2) Nexus: Beyond Combat JKD CLICK HERE
B. MILITARY and WARRIOR streaming video
1) XMA Military Fighting Method–No Longer Available
2) VDA Viking Close Combat CLICK HERE
3) RAW: Military fighting/Sport Domination CLICK HERE
C. BEAT GRAPPLERS and DEVELOP K.O. TOOLS streaming video
1) Anti Grappling: Beat wrestlers CLICK HERE
2) TNT Power Strikes: Be a KO Artist End the Fight Now CLICK HERE
1) MSC Conditioning Combat Fitness CLICK HERE
2) Be Stronger, Faster, Better CLICK HERE
3) The Program Conditioning for Self Defense CLICK HERE
Real Answers: The most controversial DVD in JKD CLICK HERE
F. MENTAL and GAME IMPROVEMENT streaming video
1)The Blue Print Get The Fighting Skills CLICK HERE
2) Inside The Code: Secret Olympic Training Methods CLICK HERE
G. BLADE streaming video
Spanish Circle: Blade Method CLICK HERE
Savate D’Apache: the Forgotten Street Fighting CLICK HERE
I. Maximize your training with one on one consultations
To handle your own specific training questions CLICK HERE
This is the information for watching streaming videos:
Viewers need to have a YouTube account and be signed into it when trying to view the purchased video.
IMPORTANT: Please provide us your email address which you have registered with your Youtube account.
POINT: We strongly urge viewers set up and use a Gmail account for easier access for watching videos. (Other emails accounts have proved to be unreliable).
Once we receive the email address of your YouTube account, we can give you permission to watch the video you paid for.
You’ll receive an email with the link once we give you permission to access the video.
NOTE: keep an eye on your email inbox which you provided us.
Usually it takes 24-48 hours for the link to be sent to you.
If you haven’t received an email from YouTube, please check your spam folder to see if the email was filtered there.
*** To watch your streaming video ***
1. Check your email. Invitations to view private videos will be sent to your email. If you do not see an email invite, check your social or spam folder. If you can’t find an email invite, you may not have received an invite.
2. When you receive your email, click on invite. The email subject will be something like ‘Clugston has shared a video with you on YouTube.’ Or Clugston sent you a video.’
3. Click YouTube logo (with the ellipse.) The email will have a large image with the YouTube logo, but only with “three dots …” instead of the “play” triangle. Click the image to view the video on YouTube.
4. Sign into your YouTube or Google account. If you aren’t signed in automatically, enter your email address or phone number and password for the Google account you use on YouTube in order to watch your private video. You must be logged in to watch private videos on YouTube.
If the viewer has multiple YouTube accounts, they must be signed into the account which the video has been shared with.